Ancient Authors

Aeschylus (ca. 525-455 BCE)
Lycurgus, in Deipnosophosits 10.67
Suppliants, ll. 952-953

Ammianus Marcellinus (ca. 325-400 CE)
Rerum Gestarum, 26.8.2
Rerum Gestarum, 15.12.2

Archilochus (ca. 680-645 BCE)
Fragment in Deipnosophists, FR.42

Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
In Athenaeus 1.61

Athenaeus (2nd-3rd c. CE)
Deipnosophists 1.61
Deipnosophists 1.61 (pt. 2)
Deipnosophists 4.36

Aulus Cornelius Celsus (ca. 25 BCE-50 CE)
De Medicina 2.18.11-12
De Medicina 2.20-21

Cassius Dio (ca. 155-235 CE)
Historiae Romanae 49.36

Columella (4-ca. 70 CE)
De Re Rustica

Dio Chrysostum (ca. 40-115 CE)
Orationes 32.82

Dioscorides (ca. 40-70 CE)
Materia Medica 2.70 (Longobardus, Latin Translation)

Florus (74-130 CE)
Epitome Bellorum Omnium Annorum, 1.34

Hecataeus (ca. 480 BCE)
Fragment in Deipnosophists, 10.67
Fragment in Deipnosophists, 10.12-3

Hellanicus (ca. 5th c. BCE)
Fragment in Deipnosophists, 10.67

Herodotus (ca. 484-425 BCE)
The Histories 2.77

Hieronymus (347-420 c. CE)
Commentary on Isaiah, 7.19.5-11

Homer (8th c. BCE)
Iliad 11.69

Isaiah (mistranslation) (ca. 2nd c. BCE)
Isaiah 19.9-10

Julian the Apostate (331/2-363 CE)
Epigram 1

Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE)
De Bello Civili 2.11

Justinian I (ca. 482-565 CE)
Digesta Iustiniana 33.6.9
Digesta Iustiniana 33.6.9b

Masculus (ca. late 1st-early 2nd c. CE)
Roman Soldier, Vindolanda Tablet III.628

Marcus Servius Honoratus (ca. 4th-5th c. CE)
Commentary on Georgics 3.380

Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE)
Natural History 22.81
Natural History 21.50
Natural History 14.19
Natural History 8.8-9
Natural History 19.29
Natural History 21.70
Natural History 18.42
Natural History 18 (Grains of Gaul and Spain)
Natural History 14.51
Natural History 14.44 (Water Treatments)
Natural History 18.12

Plutarch (46-120 CE)
An vitiositas . . . 4

Polybius (ca. 200-118 BCE)
Histories 34.9

Poseidonius (135-51 BCE)
In Athenaeus 4.36

Sabinus (ca. 1st c. CE)
In Digesta Iustiniana 33.6.9b

Strabo (64/63 BCE-24 CE)
Geography 17.2.2
Geography 4.1.2 (Grains of Gaul)
Geography 4.6.2

Sophocles (497/6-406/5 BCE)
Triptolemus fr. 610

Tacitus (56-117 CE)
De origine et situ Germanorum 23.1

Theophrastus (ca. 371-287 BCE)
Historia Plantarum 4.8.12

Inscription, CIL XIII 10012.7
Vindolanda 87.728

Virgil (70-19 BCE)
Georgics 3.380

Xenophon (ca. 430-354 BCE)
Anabasis 4.5.26-27
Anabasis 4.5.31-32