HBW: Meadowsweet Beer Tasting

For the previous entries in our meadowsweet brewing trial, see:
Meadowsweet in Ancient Sources
Meadowsweet in Archaeology
Meadowsweet SMASH(erb) Brew Day

How did the meadowsweet beer turnout?


FG: 1.011
ABV: ~3%

Appearance: Pale straw-yellow, quite clear.
Aroma: Caramel malt, floral, slight plastic.
Mouthfeel: Dry.
Taste:  The meadowsweet balances the sweetness of the malt quite well. In fact, overall, there is very little flavor to the beer. A slight citrus lingers in the background, but this, presumably, is from the kveik yeast. There is only a subtle floral quality to the beer.

Verdict: Certainly, the bitterness of the meadowsweet helps to balance the sweetness of the malt and make this a quite drinkable beer. There is a very subtle off-flavor (perhaps, the same as the plastic smell) that prevents the beer from being fully enjoyable. This flavor, however, may not necessarily be from the meadowsweet, but could have arisen from the use of tap water or my brewing technique. Still, this experiment left me not-quite-so satisfied with the flavor contributions of meadowsweet. As a result, I decided to add another step, a “dry hop” of meadowsweet:

Meadowsweet “Dry Hop”

0.5 oz (14.17 g) Meadowsweet
3-day dry hop

The meadowsweet floated on the surface of the beer during the duration of the steeping. At the end, the beer was noticeably hazier (New England Meadowsweet Pale Ale?).

Verdict: Dr. Pepper. The beer smells and tastes like Dr. Pepper.   The “dry hopping” certainly amped the floral qualities of the beer. However, that plastic off-flavor still sneaks through, but, now, the beer now has a personality.

Comment: It seems like dry hopping is the way to go with these herbs/plants. For the upcoming adjunct experiments, I will follow the same procedure: herbs in boil, ferment, taste, “dry herb,” taste.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Kythe says:

    Question for you, does the plasticy aroma seem like bandaid? it could be common bacteria infection.


    1. Kimberley says:

      Hi! Checked with Kyle but he said it really tasted like brand new plastic. He said he had the band-aid aroma in other homebrews and it didn’t smell like that. Thanks for your thoughts though!


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